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Being Practical...

“We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone.”

Hello there fellow Wanderers,

Photography helps us appreciate the importance of balance in our lives. By capturing moments of stillness and tranquillity, we can learn how to better care for ourselves and our environment. Through photography, we can find joy in the small moments and gain an appreciation for all that nature has to offer.

For as long as I can remember photography has been a passion and part of my daily life. I am forever snapping images that grab my attention, sometimes even in mid-sentence, or disappearing into the forest bush to shoot a piece of bark. I believe it is a powerful way to express my love for the earth and its inhabitants. Photography can be used to capture the beauty of nature, document eco-conscious activities, and inspire others to tread lightly on the planet. For many photographers like me, it is a passion that allows us to express our love for the earth in a creative way and share this with others.

Tips for an eco conscious photographer

Natural photography is, in my opinion, a great way to capture the beauty of nature without adding to our carbon footprint. By using shadows, photographers can create stunning images that highlight the beauty of nature. This type of photography can be used to create awareness around environmental issues and inspire people to take action. It also helps in creating a connection between humans and nature, which is essential for preserving our planet. With this type of photography, photographers can capture our earth in moments that will last forever and help us highlight the beauty of our planet. These photographic images can often be of parts of nature or the world not easily accessible to everyone.

I am deeply blessed to have been born in South Africa and live in Cape Town, where our natural surroundings are truly breathtaking and sharing these images allows for others who have not visited our country to be able to share in its beauty. By the same token, as much as I may travel, I am forever pouring over photography from places I have not seen or experienced.

Nature photography, both colour and in black in white holds a special place for me. Over the years, through exhibitions, it has been wonderful to be able to highlight my passion for eco conscious living and being acutely aware of the natural environment we so often take for granted.

Am I one of the photographers lying in the dirt to shoot a lady bird? Absolutely! Hiking up a mountain to capture the sunrise play of light? Definitely! Am I covered head to toe in recycled coffee sack clothing? No, however as my career has grown, I have become aware that my work should not only reflect my eco conscious views but also how I work.

Today's blog focuses on suggestions to make your next shoot or photographic experience in nature kinder to the environment you are shooting in. I’ve always had the belief that the only thing that should interfere with nature while on location should be your shadow, and as you leave, only footprints should remain.

So, if you are on the road to embracing the idea of being an eco-conscious photographer, strive to not only produce beautiful photos but also to minimize your carbon foot. Here are a few simple tips to help you stay green while capturing that amazing shot:

  • Consider investing in quality photography equipment that will go the distance with you, allowing you to produce quality images and not need to be caught up in the “upgrade” cycle. Quality gear lasts longer and is less likely to need replacing than cheaper alternatives.

  • If you do have old equipment, both camera and batteries etc. Make sure to recycle these, or in cases of outdated cameras, consider donating to schools.

  • If you are part of a joint shoot with other photographers or on a location scout, consider carpooling to reduce emissions and save costs.

  • Choose eco-conscious paper and printing services to reduce your carbon footprint when producing prints. Look for companies that use eco-friendly inks, recycled paper, and sustainable printing processes when having images made for exhibition or sale purposes.

  • Encourage eco-friendly practices among your clients, suggest eco conscious ideas for their shoots, suggest shooting outdoors or using eco conscious materials that can be reused and recycled during the shoot.

  • Be on the look out for suppliers of earth friendly materials for your business. These can include business cards, props, memory cards or even packaging.

  • Explore the methods of sharing your images digitally, requiring less printing.

  • Give back to your community by supporting organisations around you that are focused on making a difference in the environment. Join initiatives and volunteer your photographic services to help raise their awareness.

As a photographer, I do have a tendency to get swept up in the environment I’m shooting and more often than not, I already have an idea in my head of how I want the image to look. I may even want to highlight a particular area in a particular way. It is because of this passionate approach, I feel all photographers share, that this next suggestion is so important to me.

Leave nothing behind, disturb or alter nothing. Yes, maybe the landscape shot would look amazing if that particular branch was remove. Yes, you may have an easier focused shot if a simple leaf or two was removed. However neither are necessary and will disturb the ecosystem they are currently a part of, which will continue on long after you have taken your shot or produced the image. These small acts may have more of an effect on that environment that you are aware of. So the next time you consider removing something, for that perfect shot, stop for a second and consider if it’s really necessary. Being an eco-conscious photographer does mean considering and embracing this outlook, not merely rushing to location with an eco-friendly coffee cup, hemp camera bags or a reusable water bottle.




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