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Capegypsy begins!

Welcome to my blog, where lifestyle and sustainable living meet.

Follow my journey and create awareness with me, through ethical choices.

My name is Gwen, I am a photographer and environmentalist. My blog is about my life in Cape Town, where I live, my travels, what I do, and what inspires me.

I've been writing on and off for most of my life, combining both photography and writing as a form of storytelling part. The idea of blogging has kept popping up , but i haven't quite had the guts to follow through, until covid. Lockdown gave me the opportunity to sit still for a while and look back over my life, photos, and writing, I realized it was time to share. As a traveler, a wanderer, and an explorer. I have been grateful to have traveled and seen some of the most beautiful places in this world. The places that I have seen are so diverse and unique that each have made me want to travel more. Every new experience and journey has highlighted for me the need to raise environmental awareness, to take ownership of one's own carbon footprint and to be proactive in changing your own choices so that they may make an impact. This is the first post is the beginning of a series of posts about environmental awareness, concern for future generations, and the journey to a sustainable lifestyle. As we are all aware, the environmental crisis that we are living in, is extremely serious. With the continued rise of global warming, we have seen a rise in natural disasters. We have also seen a skyrocketing increase in pollution and a decrease in biodiversity. The word sustainable has become a part of our society's vocabulary, due to the growing concern towards this crisis. In the last few years, it has been more about buying less, for example, buying less food. However, the idea of sustainable lifestyle is not about buying less, but buying less stuff and it is not about buying more expensive stuff. What it is about is creating a lifestyle that is more in touch with the earth, with nature and with your own values. A sustainable lifestyle is about creating a life that is dependent on the earth, nature, and your values, rather than on things, living in a way that is environmentally conscious and in a way that is not damaging to our Earth and its resources.

One of the ways that people can live a sustainable lifestyle is by recycling the materials they use on a daily basis, such as paper and plastic. These materials are often discarded into landfills and take up a lot of space, causing damage to the Earth. Another way to live a sustainable lifestyle is by buying clothes and other products that are made from organic materials, such as cotton, PET felt or wool. Organic materials are made from plants and animals that are not harmed by the process of manufacturing the product. There are many ways to live a sustainable lifestyle and many people are already doing so. Many people are moving away from single use, throw away items, to items that are reusable, made from recycled or earth friendly materials. This helps to reduce the amount of waste that is sent to the landfill. It is also important to buy local and buy in bulk. This helps to reduce the amount of fuel you use when you drive. It is also important to consider buying clothes that are made from natural materials. This further helps to reduce the amount of waste that is sent to the landfill. There is now a growing awareness towards Slow Fashion or Recycled fashion that is a sustainable and environmentally conscious way to stay fashionable and express your individuality. Recycled fashion is made from used or repurposed materials, while Slow Fashion provides the option the purchase ethically sourced or made clothing that will be timeless, not simply the latest trend purchase. Capegypsy has allowed me to share with you my slow fashion items, lovingly designed and environmentally conscious. Each piece is designed to accompany you on both day or night occasions, with their classic, timelessness, they are able to become part of your journey. This blog is about my travels, experiences, and how my life is changing because of it. My goal is to inspire you to live a more sustainable lifestyle and raise awareness for those who are already doing their part.



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