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Chill Out Sustainably: Frozen Treats and Eco-Friendly Delights for Your Pets This Summer

Hello there, Fellow Wanderers,

As the sun's rays continue to intensify and heat becomes a familiar companion this Cape Town Summer, our furry friends eagerly seek solace from the rising temperatures. As responsible pet owners, it's our duty to ensure our pets not only stay cool but also relish the warmer months with joy. Due to the lovely overwhelming response from last week’s blog post and requests for recipes, this week’s blog post will focus on a delightful exploration of a simple yet effective way to beat the heat with homemade cooling treats for our beloved pets. A refreshing break from the mundane, these treats not only offer a reprieve from the sweltering weather but also serve as a testament to our commitment to their well-being. Join me on this journey as we delve into creative recipes designed to keep tails wagging and whiskers twitching in delight throughout the summer.

As we have felt temperatures continue to rise this week, pets, much like humans, are susceptible to dehydration and heat-related stress. It's paramount to recognize the signs of overheating—excessive panting, lethargy, and restlessness—and take immediate measures to cool them down. Proper hydration is key, and ensuring your pets have access to fresh water at all times is non-negotiable. Additionally, incorporating cooling methods, such as providing shade and using cooling mats, aids in maintaining their optimal body temperature.

One way to assist your pets is by creating homemade frozen treats that offer a host of benefits beyond mere refreshment. Firstly, it allows you to tailor the treats to your pet's preferences and dietary needs. Moreover, the act of making treats at home is a bonding experience, strengthening the connection between pet and owner. Beyond the emotional aspect, there are practical advantages—homemade treats are often more cost-effective, and you have control over the ingredients, ensuring they are free from additives and preservatives. Take the time to elevate the quality of your homemade treats by sourcing natural, organic, and locally sourced ingredients. By doing so, you not only enhance the flavour and nutritional value of the treats but also contribute to a sustainable and eco-conscious pet care routine. Opt for fresh fruits, vegetables, and proteins that are free from pesticides and additives. Supporting local farmers not only benefits the environment but also promotes a sense of community and ethical sourcing.

Now, let's delve into some delightful recipes that marry the goodness of hydration, cooling, and the benefits of natural, organic, locally sourced ingredients. From frozen fruit popsicles to yogurt bites infused with pet-safe flavors, these recipes are designed to delight all pets.

DIY Frozen Yogurt Bites for Your Furry Friend


  • 1 cup plain, unsweetened yogurt (make sure it's safe for pets, without artificial sweeteners)

  • 1 ripe banana, mashed

  • 2 tablespoons natural peanut butter (xylitol-free)

  • Optional: A handful of pet-friendly berries (blueberries, strawberries) or diced apple


  • Prepare Ingredients:

  • Gather all the ingredients and ensure they are pet-safe. Mash the ripe banana and set aside.

  • Create the Yogurt Mixture:

  • In a mixing bowl, combine the plain yogurt, mashed banana, and peanut butter. Stir the mixture until it reaches a smooth consistency.

  • Add Optional Flavors (If Desired):

  • For an extra burst of flavour and nutrition, consider adding a handful of pet-friendly berries or diced apple. Mix them into the yogurt mixture evenly.

  • Spoon into Mold or Tray:

  • Using a spoon or a piping bag, carefully fill silicone moulds or ice cube trays with the yogurt mixture. This step allows you to create bite-sized portions suitable for your pet's size.

  • Tap to Remove Air Bubbles:

  • Gently tap the filled moulds or trays on the countertop to remove any air bubbles and ensure an even distribution of the mixture.

  • Freeze Until Solid:

  • Place the moulds or trays in the freezer and let the yogurt bites freeze completely. This typically takes around 3-4 hours.

  • Pop Out and Serve:

  • Once the frozen yogurt bites are solid, remove the moulds or trays from the freezer. Pop out the bites and transfer them to a pet-friendly dish.

  • Let Your Pet Enjoy:

  • Serve the frozen yogurt bites to your furry friend and watch them enjoy this refreshing and delicious treat. Ensure you supervise them, especially if it's their first time having frozen treats.


  • Experiment with different pet-safe flavours, such as diced sweet potato or carrot, to add variety to the treats.

  • Always check with your veterinarian before introducing new treats into your pet's diet, especially if they have any dietary restrictions or health concerns.

  • Store any unused frozen yogurt bites in an airtight container in the freezer for future use.


 Herb-Infused Birdie Bites:


  • 1 cup bird-safe seeds (e.g., millet, sunflower seeds)

  • 1/2 cup finely chopped fresh herbs (e.g., parsley, cilantro)

  • 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce


  • Mix the bird-safe seeds, chopped herbs, and applesauce in a bowl.

  • Form small bite-sized balls or shapes using your hands.

  • Place them on a tray and freeze for at least 2 hours.

  • Serve these herb-infused birdie bites to your feathered friend for a healthy and refreshing treat.

 Fishy Delight:


  • 1 cup blanched and finely chopped vegetables (e.g., spinach, zucchini)

  • 1/2 cup unsalted cooked fish (salmon or whitefish work well)

  • 1 tablespoon spirulina powder (optional)


  • Blend the blanched vegetables, cooked fish, and spirulina powder in a food processor until smooth.

  • Spoon the mixture into ice cube trays or silicone moulds.

  • Freeze until solid.

  • Pop out the fishy delights and feed them to your fish as a nutrient-rich, frozen snack.

Crunchy Carrot Chews (For Small Mammals like Rabbits or Guinea Pigs):


  • 2 large carrots, shredded.

  • 1/4 cup rolled oats.

  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh herbs (e.g., mint, cilantro)


  • Preheat your oven to 200°F (93°C).

  • Mix the shredded carrots, rolled oats, and chopped herbs in a bowl.

  • Spoon small portions onto a parchment-lined baking sheet.

  • Bake for 2-3 hours or until the carrots are dehydrated and crunchy.

  • Allow them to cool completely before serving these crunchy carrot chews to your small mammal.


  • Adjust portions based on your pet's size and dietary needs.

Tuna Popsicles:


  • 1/2 cup canned tuna in water, drained.

  • 1/2 cup low-sodium chicken broth (cooled)


  • Blend the canned tuna and chicken broth until smooth.

  • Pour the mixture into small ice cube trays or silicone moulds.

  • Freeze until solid.

  • Serve these tuna popsicles to your cat for a tasty and cooling treat.

Catnip Yogurt Bites:


  • 1/2 cup plain, unsweetened yogurt.

  • 1 teaspoon dried catnip


  • Mix the plain yogurt and dried catnip in a bowl.

  • Spoon small portions onto a parchment-lined tray.

  • Freeze until firm.

  • These catnip yogurt bites are a delightful and refreshing treat for your feline friend.


Chicken Broth Ice Cubes:


  • Low-sodium chicken broth


  • Pour the chicken broth into ice cube trays.

  • Freeze until solid.

  • Serve these chicken broth ice cubes in a bowl for your pet to lick and enjoy.

Blueberry Delight:


  • 1/4 cup fresh blueberries

  • 1/2 cup water


  • Blend the fresh blueberries and water until smooth.

  • Pour the mixture into small ice cube trays.

  • Freeze until solid.

  • These blueberry delights are not only cooling but also rich in antioxidants.


  • Always use pet-safe ingredients and avoid additives or sweeteners that are harmful.

  • Monitor your pet while enjoying frozen treats, especially if it's their first time having them.

  • Consult with your veterinarian before introducing new treats into your pet’s diet, especially if they have any dietary restrictions or health concerns.


As we wrap up this month of Summer and our fur babies, I invite you, my cherished readers, to share your own tips and experiences with your sustainable pet treats. Drop me a DM if you try any of the above recipes and your pet’s response. This afternoon I’m going to be making another batch of yogurt and cat nip treats for our 2 cats. Keep an eye out for the reel and watch how our rescued farm feral, in particular, takes over my kitchen while I make them! Let’s continue building a community dedicated to the well-being of our pets and the planet they call home.

Take care,







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