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My Love affair with Coffee, the road to Wild & Bean.

If you have a love affair with coffee, this week's blog is just for you as I share Capegypsy's ethically sourced Wild & Bean journey.

Hi There Fellow Wanderers,

This week’s blog post goes to all the coffee lovers out there, those of us who derive a genuine pleasure from a good cup of coffee. Although the love for a good cup is shared, most of us have our own particular brand, coffee shop or way of making that delicious first sip, that personalizes our experience. For some, this is at home, carefully brewed, for others it’s that favourite coffee shop we swear by! For me, my favourite cup has been a personal journey, it sounds quite daft but is very true, the road to Wild & Bean, has been... wild...

Up until my early 30’s I wasn’t a big coffee fan, it just didn’t really do anything for me, I found it bitter and far too strong, until I moved to Stellenbosch, in the Western Cape. Stellenbosch is a beautiful, picturesque town, surrounded by vineyards and mountains, and is home to some incredible restaurants and coffee shops. One morning I sat in a tiny coffee shop, waiting to have a meeting, and was served the most delicious cup of coffee that started the love affair. No bitter after taste, no fluttering heart beats, just pure bliss, and so I turned into one of those people with a specific coffee order, that people roll their eyes at. Although over time, I learnt that just because you know how you like it, doesn’t mean all cups of coffee are created equal!

This I suppose for some is part of the pleasure, for me it became a journey to find that consistent cup and an adventure. An adventure I share with my husband, who fortunately loves coffee as much as I do, ironically our first date was at a coffee shop, 2 hours, and copious amounts of coffee later we became inseparable. Now 7 years and countless cups of coffee in many countries later, we are still inseparable and share a cup of coffee together every morning. Now only, its happily Wild & Bean and we know it will be a perfect cup to start the day!

We all know that coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world and has been consumed for centuries, its popularity continues to grow with each new generation. Many people love coffee for its taste, aroma, and energizing effects but what makes it so special? The answer lies in the way it is made, the Arabica coffee beans are handpicked and carefully processed to produce a flavour that is unique and full of character. This type of coffee bean has a higher concentration of caffeine than other varieties, making it a great choice for those who need an energy boost or just love the taste. It was these beans that lead me to source and create the Wild & Bean brand, for those who love the concentration but need a gentler boost.

As with all journeys that start with a passion, mine being to create a personalized coffee but only through strong eco conscious and ethical means, coffee is one of the most enjoyed beverages in the world, with over 2 billion cups consumed each day. However, behind the enjoyment of every delicious sip lies a complicated history that is not always so positive. From the exploitation of coffee farmers to the environmental impact of coffee production, sadly there is a negative background to coffee, that many are attempting to undo.

Coffee is primarily grown in developing countries, and unfortunately, the farmers who cultivate the beans often live in poverty. Many of these farmers are also forced to sell their beans at low prices to middlemen, who then sell the coffee to large multinational companies for massive profits. This means that the individuals who actually grow the coffee end up benefiting very little from their labour. Furthermore, many coffee farmers and their families often lack access to basic necessities such as clean water, education, and healthcare. In some cases, children are also forced to work on coffee plantations instead of attending school, perpetuating the cycle of poverty for generations.

Coffee production also has a significant environmental impact. The use of fertilizers and pesticides can lead to soil erosion, pollution of waterways, and harm to local wildlife. Additionally, the process of roasting coffee beans generates significant amounts of greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change. In addition, coffee production requires large amounts of water. In areas where water is already scarce, such as many coffee-producing countries, this can lead to further depletion of already scarce resources.

As I researched and spoke to many different roasters, it was important to me to not perpetuate the cycle but to find those who were striving to make a difference. This journey led me to Gean at Flat Mountain Roasters in Cape Town, with his expert advice, incredible knowledge of sustainable and ethical bean sourcing, I was finally able to create my favourite blend, not only for myself but for those around me and Wild & Bean became a reality.

The Wild & Bean Coffee is a unique blend of Central African coffees that have been carefully selected and roasted to a medium level. This blend is made up of 100% Arabica beans, which are renowned for their smooth and delicate taste. The result is an intensely aromatic coffee with notes of hazelnut and biscuit, creating a rich flavour profile that will keep you coming back for more. With its medium roast, Wild & Bean Coffee is sure to satisfy even the most discerning palate and, if like me, you are looking for an everyday cup or something special to share with friends, it will definitely hit the spot!

So next time you are considering your next cup or brand purchase, it’s important to remember everything that has gone into your beans journey. Consider helping to make a difference by purchasing coffee that is ethically and sustainably sourced. This may include buying fair trade coffee that ensures fair prices for farmers or purchasing organic coffee that avoids harmful environmental practices. Small actions like these can make a big impact on the lives of coffee farmers and the health of our planet.

Next week, I will be adding a mini blog on how to make sure your cup of coffee is part of your eco conscious journey. In the meantime, consider popping onto the Capegypsy online shop and trying the Wild & Bean brand, I would love to hear your reviews.

Take care,




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